I kinda forgot about this space ... not that anyone ever reads it. But still ...
In any case. I'm back with more tales of silliness and fun from the LightHouse. 2009 was ... umm ... interesting. Yeah, that.
LightGirl finished up her season as a goalie for the girls with a 2nd place in the playoffs for their division in their league. Not too shabby. She tried out for a spot on the boys midget (under 16) team for the fall. And made it. We gathered our collective breaths over the summer.

This past fall, LightGirl started playing with the boys team (the Midget U16 Red team). She is the only girl on the team and shares the net with another boy. They are becoming good friends. She's had a difficult time gaining some of the other boys' respect, but has now come through the worst of it.
LightBoy continued with Trigger Time, his 4-H Marksmanship club, and has been doing really well. He spent his first full week away at a sleepover camp in August and loved it. He came home slightly bedraggled and befuddled and happy.
LightBoy is now Secretary for the Trigger Time 4-H club and has his own guns and set of bow & arrows. He has become a valued member of that community. His first competition of this year is in March.

We gained a new puppy in mid-September, our darling Legolas. We adopted him through a rescue operation called Lucky Dog. He sure is a lucky dog and we are lucky people to have him. We think he's part Pharaoh Hound and part something else ... but who knows what. He's a real love. This is an especially good thing, because about 6 weeks after he joined our family, our wonderful Sam crossed the Rainbow Bridge and went home. Unbeknownst to us, he'd had cancer for quite some time and died in surgery.
LightHusband's parents visited us for the week preceding Thanksgiving. It was a whirlwind visit. Capped by LightGirl's stellar performance in a tournament in Maryland. We also got to visit some cousins' near by.

I cannot decide if we ended 2009 or began 2010 with a bang. In any case, it was LightGirl's 16th birthday on January 1, 2010. We celebrated in style at a local Cajun restaurant with a Mardi Gras party complete with a zydeco band. What a fabulous time we all had. She is turning into a really wonderful young woman who I thoroughly enjoy spending time with.

So that sort of catches us up and maybe I'll do better from now on. No promises though.