Apr 9, 2007

It Is To Laugh

I am a Zen Mom ...

this, according to a silly on-line test at chatterbean.com. The test was entitled "Are You a Slacker Mom?" I was pretty certain that the answer would be a resounding, "YES!" So I took it to laugh in it's face (thus anthropomorphizing a computer test ... not a productive use of my time). I found a lot of the questions difficult to answer because they didn't have my precise answer as one of the choices. So I picked the closest one. And here I am, a Zen Mom:
How do you do it? Even when explosions are all around, you are able to take a deep cleansing breath and chant your mantra "this too shall pass." You are a calming influence on your kids in a hectic world.
That just pretty much makes me laugh out loud.

Apr 8, 2007


LightHusband's parents are here. It's COLD ... brrrr. We had snow yesterday. It's the first time I remember having snow in April in Virginia. They all went into DC to see the snow on the cherry blossoms. And to see all the people. It was crowded. I stayed home. I can't handle all those people in one place anymore.

When they came home, the LightChildren and I dyed Easter eggs. We all still love to do this. It was late. But we still had fun. We dyed and painted and stickered.

Four cracked when I boiled them.

We are now the proud owners of 20 colorful, beautiful eggs.