Mar 12, 2007

Light Dinner Conversation

Normal Monday nights include me, myself and I dining alone (or with BlazingEwe) while LightHusband has LightChildren and FlamingLambs at the rink for hockey practice and skating lessons. Today was slightly different due to LightBoy's odd case of chicken pox (for which he received a vaccination last May ... who knew?). So LightHusband, LightBoy and I had dinner together while BlazingEwe was at the rink with the girls. Here is a snippet of our conversation:

LightBoy: Dad, do you always start with the onions when you make spaghetti?

LightHusband: Yep. I do that to make them soft so my nine year old can't taste them.

LightBoy (looking at me in exasperation): Why did you marry him?

Me: So I could have you!

LightHusband (with a big cheesy grin): So I could make soft onions in your spaghetti!

LightBoy: He's impervious!

And we all fell out laughing ...

Mar 9, 2007

You've Come A Long Way, Baby!

Here is a photo montage comparing LightGirl's first hockey game to her most recent hockey game. Her first game she played in late September of 2006. The most recent game was played this past Sunday. It is interesting to note both games were played against the same team. But it's clearly a different player in each picture!! Same girl, different player.